Become a Callisto seller today

Expand your global reach to over 2,500 buyers instantly

expand your business

Global connections, trusted marketplace

Discover why sellers worldwide trust Callisto to access new markets, grow their reach, and achieve results.


Wholesale buyers globally


GMV traded to date


Markets reached worldwide

how to reach new buyers

Three ways to sell

Get instant access to a global tech marketplace and connect with buyers worldwide with trust and ease 

Seller - Auction
Step 1 - Dark blue

Engage buyers in dynamic auctions that drive competitive bids and maximize your sales.

Seller - Catalog (yellow BG)
Step 2 - Dark blue

List your products in our extensive catalogue, making it easy for buyers to find and purchase your items.

Seller - Offers
Step 3 - Dark blue

Our “Make an Offer" feature lets buyers propose prices for listed items, enabling sellers to accept, counteroffer and negotiate for flexible pricing.

effortless sales management

Streamlined and secure selling

Manage sales effortlessly and scale your business at pace.

Benefit 1 - Yellow

Secure and efficient selling experience

Access a fully automated dashboard with real-time updates on your sales, bids and offers. Seamlessly manage your transactions with comprehensive support. 

Benefit 2 - Yellow

Scalable growth and increased profitability

Utilize Callisto’s powerful platform to scale your business operations. Expand your reach, increase sales and boost profitability with our efficient, user-friendly tools.

selling features

Optimize your sales process

Enhance your selling experience with advanced tools, actionable insights, and seamless management.

Bulk upload

Bulk uploads

Quickly upload multiple products using our bulk upload feature, saving time and ensuring accurate listings.

Custom Pricing

Custom pricing

Take full control of your pricing strategy. Set and adjust your price to reflect your business objectives.

Live updates

Live updates

Monitor your sales, buyer activity, and offers in real-time. 

the selling process

How to get started

  • Sign up with your business details to receive your unique username and password. 

    Register here
    Trust in every trade
  • Motorola
  • Samsung
  • LG
  • alchemy-logo
  • Lenovo
  • Google Pixel
  • Apple-Logo
  • Dell
  • Nokia
  • Sony
  • Huawei
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